Services & Products

We offer a wide range of products to fit small businesses and startups all the way to larger enterprises. Most fit into these four categories:

  • Legacy Applications: We help you mitigate risk with handling your legacy data and applications, either by retirement, migration, or new code.
  • Custom Development: If needed, we translate your business needs from a spark of invention to a fully-maintainable site or application.
  • IT Consulting: We determine what the best path forward is with your technology, even if it doesn’t include tech.
  • Copy Editing: We can help with your content, branding, and so on.

How Does It Work?

When you contact us, we’ll have a discussion situated around your needs and what you’re looking for. We’ll discuss the different options available and how much it would cost for each of those options.

For legacy applications or custom development, we’ll want to dive a little deeper into what you’re needed, so more sessions may be needed depending on all of our comfort levels.

If we’re a good fit for you, we’ll go ahead and draw up a scope or statement of work and get started working on a solution for you!